

Ansys Ansys offers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires.


Ansys is available on several ARC systems. Virginia Tech maintains a limited quantity of Ansys network licenses through the university’s IT Procurement and Licensing Solutions.


The primary interface for using Ansys on ARC resources is via the command line. For example on Tinkercliffs, you can get detailed command line help for using Abaqus like this:

[mypid@tinkercliffs1 ~]$ module load ANSYS/22.1
[mypid@tinkercliffs2 useful_scripts]$ fluent -help
/apps/easybuild/software/tinkercliffs-rome/ANSYS/22.1/v221/fluent/fluent22.1.0/bin/fluent -r22.1.0 -help
Usage: fluent [version] [-help] [options]
  -aas            start Fluent in server mode,
  -act            load ACT Start page,
  -affinity=<core or sock or off>
                  set processor affinity,
                  default (core -- for exclusive mode; sock -- for non-exclusive mode)
                  core - bind to core; sock - bind to socket (options applicable for non-exclusive mode only)
                  off - turn off affinity
  -app=<app>      load the specified App,
                  run the specified script in App,
  -cflush         flush the file cache buffer,
  -cnf=<x>        specify the hosts file,
  -command="<TUI command>"
                  run TUI command on startup,